Programs For Organizations
Feeling Minds® have done immense contribution in the field of Education with the EEE program. The EEE program aims to provide a framework for training and equipping students in necessary skills so that they can apply scientific ways to deal with both ordinary and extraordinary challenges which life presents to them at the end of Experiential Emotional Education program such as Self Confidence, Sense of Purpose in life, Better Peer relationships, Being responsible for their own choices etc.

MBTI for Team Building MBTI® team building
This is a specialised program for corporate organisations and institutions which helps them to understand their strengths and key areas of improvemens, also ways to negotiate and manage conflict ultimately leading to development of a team culture. MBTI has emerged as a very useful tool for developing team skills for organizations who are seriously concerned about one or more core issues affecting the team performance. We focus on these core 6 issues during the program: Leadership, Communication, Stress, Team Culture, Problem Solving and Change. This program assists Team to:
Nurturing Parental Excellence
This program aims to ensure the emotional and mental well-being of children, their physical health, safety and normal development by empowering the parents with science-based information, educating them about the impact of their behaviour on child development and also equipping them with the right kind of skills to raise healthy and happy children. This Program will equip parents to Enhance parenting skills through a high quality, effective and professional parenting empowerment program. Parents who have undergone “STEP” training report a substantial increase in their enjoyment of parenthood. Ultimately, providing support to parents means providing support to children.